3 new fantasy kits in store! Fairytale Nightmares, Cursed Waters, Forest Glade. Available for purchase at Kizzed By Kelz and Pics For Design stores.
Fairytale Nightmares
"This fairytale has turned into a nightmare."
KBK - https://www.kizzedbykelz.com/scrap-kits-c-2/fairytale-nightmares-p-1951.html
PFD - https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_174012_fairytale_nightmares.pix
Cursed Waters
"Satan Has Dominion Over the Water"
KBK - https://www.kizzedbykelz.com/scrap-kits-c-2/cursed-waters-p-1952.html
PFD - https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_174011_cursed_waters.pix
Forest Glade
“The sacred place of silent minds and deep souls is the depths of the forest!”
PFD - https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_174010_forest_glade.pix