Tuesday, August 3, 2021

2 New Fruity fun kits in store! Watermelon & Strawberry

 2 New Fruity fun kits in store! Watermelon & Strawberry 


“Ready to eat all the watermelon this summer.”

Kizzed By Kelz - https://www.kizzedbykelz.com/scrap-kits-c-2/watermelon-p-1956.html

Pics for Design - https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_174183_watermelon.pix


"Frozen or fresh, pick some strawberries and get ready for Strawberry Ice cream Day."

Kizzed By Kelz - https://www.kizzedbykelz.com/scrap-kits-c-2/strawberry-p-1957.html

Pics for Design - https://picsfordesign.com/en/catalogue/id_174185_strawberry.pix